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A unique comparison between the two most numerous British and German tank types from 1941 to 1943.
Although much has been written about the famous Panzer III, little attention has been given in publications to the equally numerous Valentine tank. The brutal battles that took place between these two iconic and widely produced tanks in Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia are rich with head-to-head encounters. In this work, for the first time, a comparative approach is taken in the examination of their respective strengths and weaknesses. This work also documents the constant upgrades and improvements to each AFV type across a three-year period, as up-gunned and up-armoured variants – ever more lethal, ever more survivable – appeared on the battlefields of North Africa.
Expert author Dr Bruce Newsome explores the encounters between these two tanks, from the first Valentine vs Panzer III clashes in the summer of 1941, to the Axis drive into Egypt, and on to the Tunisian fighting from 1942 to 1943. The colour artworks include profile, weaponry and gunsight, and battlescene views of the Valentine III and Panzer III, and the maps show the progress of the campaigns in which they clashed with each other. Also covered is the performance of these AFVs in the North African campaigns, as well as their development histories and technical details, and the experiences of their crews. Dr Newsome has previously served in the British and US Army reserves, latterly on M1 Abrams tanks, and his experiences offer the reader a unique and informed perspective

Valentine Infantry Tank vs Panzer III

  • Bruce Newsome

    A unique comparison between the two most numerous British and German tank types from 1941 to 1943.
  • Book Details

    Imprint: Osprey Publishing
    Publication Date: 23-11-2023
    Format: Paperback
    80 pages
  • About the Author

    Bruce Oliver Newsome PhD is a historian, political scientist, and defense and security consultant. He is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Texas. He previously held standing faculty positions at the University of San Diego, University of California Berkeley, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom. Before teaching, he spent five years at the RAND Corporation, advising national and local governments on defense and security. He is the author of The Rise and Fall of Western Tanks, The Tiger Tank and Allied Intelligence, The Valentine Infantry Tank, 1938-1945, and more than 20 other books.
  • Rights Sold

    All rights available

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@ 2020, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

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